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Anne Pässilä, PhD

Dr Anne Pässilä is senior researcher at Lappeenranta University of Technology, LUT Lahti in Finland. She is also Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Chester, Research into Education, Creativity and Arts through Practice –research center ( ) and a partner in a university spin of company called Susinno LTD – sustainable innovation She likes to define her work as pracademic which means combining arts-based practice and academic work.

Anne is inviting us to arts-based collective voicing in ArtemOCC: “Collective voicing invites us to investigate our own experiences and views of reality in a dramaturgical frame. It is focusing on what comes out rather than outcome. During collective voicing we all are invited to use simultaneous multiple existences – “as it was” (past action and situation), “as it is” (present action and situation), and “as if”   (alternative future actions and situation). In these perplexed times as if –ability to imagine possible worlds feels fundamental to me

Anne is inspired in creating both practical and conceptual understanding on how to increase human potential with arts-based methods in organizational contexts. Her doctoral thesis (2012) on research-based theatre reflects on this topic. Her current work in ArtsEqual Research Initiative ( ) as well as Beyond Text EU-project focuses on social systems, mechanisms of inequality and art-based social engagement in organizing  public sector service, a public one-stop, low-threshold guidance service for young adults in Finland.  

Pässilä, A., Oikarinen, T. and Harmaakorpi, V. (2015) Collective voicing as a reflexive practice, Management Learning, February 2015, vol. 46 no. 1 67-86

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